You can hear in their voices that the sons of We Energies employee Sarah Valent Stribling, manager — credit and collections field services, truly appreciate the lessons their mother has passed on to them.

“My mom is always looking out for us. She helps us be the best we can be,“ said Allen Stribling.

Like most sons, Allen and his brother Nigel are proud of their mom. But these sons have a unique point of view of their mom — they have also spent time as her co-workers.


Allen has worked as a summer intern and plans to return again this summer. He spent part of his previous internships at the Oak Creek Power Plant, while his mom works downtown. Allen said that even though she worked in a completely different location, it seemed that everyone knew his mom and shared how much they respected her.

Nigel Stribling works for We Energies as a customer care consultant. Nigel said his mom gently nudged him to give We Energies a try because he was not satisfied in his previous career. Nigel said his mom helped him realize We Energies has a lot of opportunities to grow.

“Her advice helps us do the best that we can do. She always gives advice as a consideration; she doesn’t tell us what to do. When we take it to heart, her advice always seems to work out, and we really do appreciate it later on, “said Nigel.

Allen said his mom set an example early on of the importance of working hard.

“What I remember most about growing up is how my mom and dad did things. The work and effort that they put into everything. That is what is really important to me,” said Allen.

Nigel agreed, saying that he looked up to his mom as a child, and he still does now.

“Watching her grow in her career as I was growing up has made a big difference in my life. She is so hard working. I remember when we were little, she was watching us at home during the day and then going to college at night. She is a great mother,” said Nigel.

Just as she was there for them when they were growing up, Sarah is there for the boys every step of the way as they continue to develop their careers at We Energies.

Sarah hears from her sons’ co-workers how nice and genuinely kind they are to work with at We Energies.  “We have lived our lives in a way to be an examples to our kids. The boys are really intelligent and hard workers. Seeing the fruits of our labor now, it just makes me really proud of them,” said Sarah.

Sarah knows how special it is that she gets to see her sons at work. She says she is proud of the work she does for the company and sees her boys taking on that same sense of pride.

Happy Mother’s Day to Sarah and all the mothers who work so hard for their families and We Energies.