An electrifying finish in the competition to create the best light show on the Daniel Hoan Memorial Bridge in Milwaukee. We Energies interns are proud to take home the People’s Choice Award!

The light show designed by We Energies interns won the most votes from the public. The show reflects the We Energies brand, culture and values. While numerous interns participated in developing suggested programs, the chosen design was created by Renewables Data Team intern Anna Harris, and Supply Chain interns Haley Liebelt, Cameron Mills and Zurisadai Santos Mora.

The team also claimed third place in the celebrity judges’ voting, which took place earlier this week. As a result, they got to appear on the “What’s on Tap” radio program on 620WTMJ Wednesday night where they discussed their experience as interns and the competition.

The We Energies light show begins with the signature orange and white of We Energies, followed by multiple rotating colors that represent the six other WEC Energy Group operating companies.

Next, a series of blue dots represents a storm passing through the area, causing power outages and making the community go dark. Line crews move into action to safely and efficiently restore power to the community, suggested by yellow lights coming up across the bridge.

This is followed by green and blue lights that symbolize the company’s continued commitment to affordable, reliable and clean energy.

Finally, a rainbow of colors materializes, representing the company’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, which support community members — not only those served by We Energies, but throughout the service areas of sister utility companies Wisconsin Public Service, Peoples Gas, North Shore Gas, Michigan Gas Utilities, Minnesota Energy Resources and Upper Michigan Energy Resources as well.

As the interns stated, “We strive to ensure that even though we are all different, our communities are served equally.”