Kids starting a new school year aren’t the only ones who can earn an “A” in education. Raise your hand...
We Energies is helping the brave individuals who work to keep its communities safe every day by awarding $50,000 to...
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of employees from across company operations, and with help from electric crews from...
Visitors to the Milwaukee County Zoo may see a different kind of attraction this fall and winter. We Energies crews...
The Betty Brinn Children’s Museum is now the proud owner of a former utility truck, generously donated by We Energies....
They grow up so quickly! The We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) peregrine falcon chicks are moving on to...
Oak Creek Power Plant’s fishing pier extends into Lake Michigan to provide anglers a place to cast their lines. The...
We Energies’ commitment to customer service was honored with a 2020 ReliabilityOne Award, citing the superior reliability of the company’s...