We Energies and its parent company, WEC Energy Group, are joining a new nationwide effort to help restore and increase...
It’s an easy call to make, and it helps keep communities safe. Today on Aug. 11 (8/11), 811 Day, We...
Ruby, an 8-year-old Catahoula from Iron Mountain, Michigan, is our new safe digging “ambassadog.” Thousands voted and gave this gem...
Voting is underway to select the next star of We Energies’ safe digging campaign! The winner will help promote an...
We Energies employees met with the next generation of environmental stewards this month. Mike Grisar, team leader — environmental, and...
To Brian Hunter, it was just an opportunity to lend a helping hand. A sheepish smile crosses his face as...
We Energies wants to make your dog a star! The company is looking for an adorable “ambassadog” to be the...
Kellen Vetter is prepared. There are plenty of words that come to mind after meeting him. Friendly. Kind. Even heroic....
We Energies employees joined thousands of other people at Milwaukee’s Juneteenth festivities June 19 in the Northcott Neighborhood. Milwaukee’s Juneteenth...
We Energies announced today that the company plans to extend the operating lives of the four older units at its...